Sunday, May 10, 2009

ODI for eBusiness Suite Integration - in 4 Steps

Create an Oracle Database Server to connect to Oracle eBusiness Suite schema, ‘apps’ in the Topology Manager:

2.Reverse Engineer

The next step is to reverse engineer the Oracle eBusiness schema, using the Oracle Data Integrator’s Reverse Engineering Knowledge Module for eBusiness Suite.

Create a new Model as follow, using Oracle as technology:

In the ‘Reverse’ tab, select ‘Customized’ and select the ‘RKM E-Business Suite XML to eBusiness’ knowledge module.

Before clicking ‘Apply’ select the ‘Application List’ and define the value of the list of application modules you want to reverse engineer. Remember also to select the ‘Types of objects to reverse-engineer’. If you forget to select the ‘View’ object, you would not be able to get a list open interface tables, as most of them are based on view objects. The value specified takes the form of ‘xxx’,’yyy’ if you want to specify multiple application modules to reverse engineer.

In our example we will use ‘SQLAP’.

A list of the available modules can be extracted by running a select query against the table ‘APPLSYS.FND_APPLICATION’.

select application_short_name from APPLSYS.FND_APPLICATION;


Click on ‘Reverse’. Select the agent where the reverse engineering process would be executed.

Open the Operator utility and monitor the progress on the reverse engineering process, if required. This process can run a couple of minutes, depending on the implementation of the Oracle eBusiness Suite.

After the above process finishes, the Model will contain all the available interfaces and public tables for the selected module(s).


Design your interface, for example reading an XML-file into the invoice open interface table.

On the flow tab of the designed interface, select the target. Change the IKM (Integration Knowledge Module) to ‘IKM E-Business Suite (Open Interface):

You will notice the configuration parameters at the bottom of the screen, starting with the OA_, and the ‘SUBMIT_PROGRAM’. These parameters are the information required by ODI to fire off a concurrent program in eBusiness Suite, after completion of the load of the data into the open interface table.


After execution of this interface, you would notice the new steps, which does the integration using the Oracle eBusiness Suite Concurrent Manager to suck in the information from the Open Interface Tables.

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